A World Within You (demo)

Here’s a demo from the vault that was captured one afternoon before we were working together under the name Sodajerker. It was 2008 and there was a great deal of discussion taking place about our hometown of Liverpool which had just begun its year long reign as European Capital of Culture. Brian and I gave ourselves the task of writing a song with the word Liverpool in it.

The phrase ‘The World in One City’ is often used in association with Liverpool because of its diversity and culture. We imagined a song called ‘A World Within You’ about someone needing to return to the city to find themselves and reconnect with their roots. The song is written as if the person is talking to the city itself.

This is a rough writing demo, so it features Brian and I playing all of the instruments. We’ve always loved the harmonised guitar riff, the chorus, and the rather ‘Supertrampy’ verse, but we’ve never used the song for anything – yet. So we thought we’d share it with you instead.

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